The Coopers group of companies ("Coopers", “we”, "our" or “us”) recognises the importance of your privacy.This privacy policy (Privacy Policy) sets out how Coopers handles personal information and acknowledges Coopers' obligations under the applicable privacy laws, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and theAustralian Privacy Principles (Privacy Laws).

    This policy is intended to provide a general overview of our policies for the handling of your personal information. Other policies may apply instead of or in addition to this Privacy Policy in certain circumstances.

    Please note that in some circumstances, there are exemptions or exceptions to the Privacy Laws that may apply to Coopers, including in relation to the handling of employment related personal information. Nothing in this Policy is intended to limit the operation of those exemptions or exceptions to Coopers or to otherwise restrict us from collecting and handling personal information in a manner that would otherwise be permitted bylaw.

    By using this website, or any of our domains, (Website) and/or providing your personal information to us, you consent to us handing your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


    We may collect personal information about you as part of the operation of our business, the provision of our products and services and as otherwise required or permitted by law. Generally, the types of individuals who we collect personal information about include customers, job applicants, contractors, staff members, suppliers, and other people who come in contact with us (“you”).

    The type of personal information that we collect about you will depend on the nature of your dealings with us.It may include:

    • Your name and contact details (such as address, telephone, number and e-mail address)and date of birth/age;
    • Information about your use of our products and services including product preferences andpurchase history;
    • Information about you and your social media profiles where you interact with our social mediapages or enter competitions or promotions that we run;
    • Information about your payment details for our products and services including credit or debit card details;
    • Statistical information regarding the use of the Website such as when you use our Website, information on what pages you access;
    • Where you attend our Premises, we may collect surveillance footage of you via Closed CircuitTelevision Surveillance (CCTV);
    • If you are applying for a position with Coopers, then we may collect personal information about you related to our recruitment processes (for example your qualifications, skills, work history, residency status, health information and tax file number as applicable);
    • If you or an entity you are associated with are providing services to Coopers, we may collecta range of personal information for the purpose of assessing the potential engagement,carrying out induction and work, health and safety processes; and
    • Other information to comply with our obligations as permitted or as otherwise required by law.

    Where you provide us with any sensitive information, you consent to our collection of such information unless you tell us otherwise at the time of collection of the information. Otherwise, we will generally not collect sensitive information about you unless the collection is otherwise authorised or required by law.

    We will generally collect personal information about you directly from you. That generally occurs by way of forms and other documents submitted to us by you (including over social media and through our Website),correspondence you provide to us, calls/meetings with you, through surveillance in use at our premises, or when you purchase our products or participate in surveys or competitions run by us.

    Occasionally we may also collect personal information about you from third parties. For example, we may collect personal information from third parties which provide services on our behalf or our business partners.

    If you provide us with personal information about a third party, you represent and we collect the personal information on the basis that you have that person's consent for us to collect and handle their personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

    If we are unable to collect the personal information we require, or the information provided is incorrect or incomplete, this may affect our ability to provide our services to you or the information you seek from us.


    We use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it as described above, and forother related purposes that you would reasonably expect. Generally, these purposes include:

    • To conduct our business and provide you with our products and services;
    • To carry out marketing initiatives and analysis such as research about our current product offering;
    • To communicate with you such as inform you about upcoming events or offers;
    • To carry out competitions or other promotional activities;
    • To purchase goods or services from you;
    • To comply with our legal obligations;
    • To fulfil our obligations to clients in supplying our products and services;
    • To help us manage and enhance our services;
    • To investigate and respond to any request or enquiry made by you;
    • If you are a job-applicant or a potential contractor, to assess your suitability and (if successful) engage you and to assist with administering your employment or contract; if we are selling our business, to any potential purchaser in connection with such a sale or process;
    • For our internal business and management purposes, to manage our relationship with you and to manage the payment and recovery of amounts payable to us by you;
    • For other purposes which are reasonably necessary in connection with our normal functions and activities; and
    • As otherwise permitted or required by law.

    We may disclose personal information about you to the following third parties if required in connection with the purposes listed above:

    • Our related entities;
    • Our consultants and advisers such as accountants, insurers, lawyers, auditors or other professional advisers;
    • Our service providers such as marketing agencies, mail houses, delivery partners or contractors;
    • Where we are running a promotion with a third party partner and it is clear in the relevant materials, that party;
    • Any industry body, tribunal, court or otherwise in connection with any complaint made by you about us;
    • If we are providing you (or an entity related to you) with credit, other credit providers, CRBs, trade insurers and businesses assisting us with providing credit;
    • If you have provided us with referees to assist with a credit application, a job application or the assessment of a potential contract between you and us, the referees you have provided; and
    • Other entities with your consent or as permitted or required by law.

    We may use the personal information collected by our CCTV surveillance, and other monitoring and observational tools, for security, operational, management and car parking related purposes (for example, to manage car park access and charges, traffic flow and access, monitoring emergency situations, conducting investigations, detecting and responding to unlawful activities or inappropriate conduct). We may use or disclose information collected from CCTV surveillance, number plate recognition technology and other monitoring and observational tools in accordance with this policy and as otherwise required or authorised bylaw.

    Generally, we do not disclose personal information to overseas recipients. Where we provide personal information to overseas recipients, we take reasonable steps to require the protection of your personal information as required by the Privacy Laws.


    We may hold your personal information in electronic formats or in hard copy. We will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep any information that we hold about you secure, and to keep this information accurate, up to date and complete in compliance with applicable laws.

    We may retain your personal information for as long as necessary to comply with any applicable law, for insurance and corporate governance purposes, for the prevention of fraud and to resolve disputes. Your personal information may also be retained in our IT system back-up records.

    If you apply for a job with us, we may retain your personal information for a period of time after we receive your application so that we may consider you and keep you in mind about similar roles, unless you ask us not to.

    The transfer of data over the internet is inherently insecure. We cannot guarantee the security, during transmission, of any personal information provided to us via our Website or through communications you send to us. Please bear this in mind when transmitting information by this means to us.


    While we will endeavour to ensure that personal information collected about you is up to date, accurate and complete, we will assume that any personal information provided by you is free from errors and omissions.You may request that we update or vary personal information that we hold about you using the contact details set out below.

    • Our contractors, consultants, advisers, associates, and related entities
    • Any industry body, tribunal, court, or otherwise in connection with any complaint made by you about us
    • If we are providing you (or an entity related to you) with credit, other credit providers, CRBs (Credit Reporting Bodies), trade insurers, and businesses assisting us with providing credit
    • If you have provided us with referees to assist with a credit application, a job application, or the assessment of a potential contract between you and us, the referees you have provided and
    • Other entities with your consent or as permitted by law.

    We do not disclose personal information to overseas recipients.

    If you fail to make a payment to us as and when due or commit a serious credit infringement we may disclose details of such events to CRBs. A CRB may use such information in reports given to other credit providers to help assess your credit worthiness.

    The CRBs we deal with include Experian Information Solutions(, Veda Advantage ( and Dun and Bradstreet ( Copies of their privacy policies dealing with how they manage credit-related personal information can be found on their websites.

    You have certain rights to request that CRBs do not use credit reporting information about you if you believe on reasonable grounds you have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud. If you would like to make such a request please contact the above CRBs direct.


    You may request access to personal information which we hold about you by contacting us using the contact details set out below. We may require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require.Generally, we will provide you with access, except in limited circumstances where the law permits us to refuse, or prevents us from giving you, access to the personal information we hold about you.

    Where we agree to provide you with access to your personal information, we may make this conditional onus recovering our reasonable costs of doing so. No fee will be incurred for requesting access, but if your request for access is accepted, you will be notified of any fee payable for providing access if you proceed with your request.


    Our Website(s) may use cookies, web beacons and other storage technologies to collect and receive information from your use of our Website and elsewhere on the Internet such as Google Analytics 4 andMeta Pixels. A cookie is a data file that a website transfers to your hard drive. This enables the website to track the pages you have visited, provide measurement services and target and deliver ads. A cookie only contains information you supply. It cannot read data on your hard drive. We may also collect click-stream data when you use the website, such as the date and time of your visit, the pages you accessed, your IP address, the type of browser and operating system you are using and the websites you come from and move to. This information is collected for statistical purposes to assist us to find out how our website is used and navigated, to analyse user engagement, monitor interactions with embedded content and collect data such as Ips, device type, OS, referring URLs, and to improve our website.

    You can set your browser to refuse cookies, however, this may mean you are unable to take full advantage of our web-site.

    In addition, you can opt out of Google Analytics 4 and customise Google Display Network ads using the AdsPreferences Manager or Google Analytics opt out browser add-on -

    For further information about customising your ad experiences please visit:

    For further information about how to control your ad setting in relation to Meta, please visit:


    From time to time we may use your personal information to provide you with marketing materials in relation to offers, specials, products and services that we have available. If you do not wish to receive direct marketing materials from us you may unsubscribe by using the contact details set out below (or as otherwise set out in the relevant communication).


    If we provide you (or an entity related to you) with credit, we may also collect and hold credit information and credit eligibility information about you. Without limitation, this may include credit reports, identification information, details of amounts payable to us and whether payments are made to us as and when they are due. Generally, this information is collected directly from you (as further set out in section 2 above).

    However, we may also collect credit eligibility information about you from credit reporting bodies (CRBs), namely Equifax, or other credit providers if we provide you (or an entity related to you) with credit.

    If we are providing you (or an entity related to you) with credit, we may use your personal information to assess your credit worthiness (or the credit worthiness of your related entity which is receiving the credit), process your application, collect payments owed to us or as otherwise authorised or permitted by law.

    If requested by us, a CRB may use credit reporting information about you to assess whether you may be eligible to receive direct marketing communications from us (i.e. pre-screening). You have the right to request that CRBs do not use credit reporting information about you for this purpose. If you would like to make such a request please contact the above CRB directly.


    If you have a complaint about the way in which we handle your personal information, you may make a complaint by writing to us using the contact details set out below. Please include as much detail as possible so that we can appropriately investigate and deal with such complaint for you.

    Coopers treats all complaints seriously and we will endeavour to provide you with confirmation as to how we propose to deal with the complaint as soon as reasonably practicable.

    If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by visiting the following website and following the steps:


    We may review and revise this Privacy Policy from time to time and we reserve our right to do so.


    Please direct all queries and complaints in relation to privacy or your personal information to:

    Privacy Officer, Coopers Brewery Limited
    461 South Road, Regency Park SA 5010

    For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the Coopers group of companies consists of Coopers BreweryLimited ACN 007 871 409, Premium Beverages Pty Ltd ACN 100 818 700 and each of their related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001(Cth)).